Monday, December 22, 2008

No time to write!

Panic in the house- we're packing/moving/unpacking this week. Oh, is it Christmas or Hanukah? I don't know where the tree is. I have the candles but the menorah is in a box somewhere. Santa may not find our house this year. What a good time to move- it's the end of the semester and I've got grades to post. It's the beginning of another semester in a few weeks and I've got syllabi and lesson plans to prepare. What me panic? Yes, indeedy!

The cat is peeing in protest in unexpected locations. DH and I are at each others' throats. Sleep is disturbed at best, given over to worry at worst. The sky isn't quite falling; it just feels like it.

But hey, here are the upsides:
we have a place to move to
the cat has survived so far
I have a job to be worried about
we don't have heating bills
I have someone to go through this ordeal with
We are all still smiling (or purring, as the case may be), occasionally.

Happy Hanukah, a Blessed Solstice and Merry Christmas to all. It's all about increasing the Light. No blogging next week, I'll be in transit. When you see news clips about stranded travelers, pray that I am not one of them.

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